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The Application of NitrotainTE27 or ECTOL MicroMax with UAN On Crops and Pasture

Kate from ECTOL

We're often asked, how does NitrotainTE27 compare with Easy N (liquid urea) and granule urea. So ECTOL's Agricultural Scientist and Director, John McKay, has detailed some important considerations between the three products, sharing how you can best advance your crops and pasture this coming season.

Easy N is the brand name for UAN (Urea ammonium nitrate) which has 39% to 42% Nitrogen (liquid), depending on the formulation, but when comparing to urea, on a solid basis, it has 32%N compared to urea at 46%N. This is important when comparing ‘cost per unit of N’ and clearly, the unit cost of N in UAN is much higher than urea.

UAN or Easy N has three forms of nitrogen, namely urea form, ammonium, or nitrate, whereas urea has only the one.

Both urea and UAN are an ‘inefficient’ source of plant nitrogen with losses of 10% to 60% commonly expected, along with many detrimental impacts on soil biology, acidity, and the environment. A sudden application of nitrogen via urea or UAN can reduce soil carbon and strip the soil cations e.g. Calcium and Magnesium.

By comparison, NitrotainTE27 (NTE27) has 27% nitrogen as an amide, which becomes the building block of proteins and is stable and very ‘efficient’. It supports soil biology and soil structure and is highly recommended as a nitrogen source to finish crops from flag leaf to pre-flowering.

With the additional benefits of potassium, sulphur, magnesium, and trace elements, NTE27 is an advanced nitrogen input. It is formulated to retain nitrogen in the plant or soil, minimising atmospheric and leaching losses. Additionally, it is non-corrosive and is safe to use through irrigation and spray equipment, and with no withholding period, it’s safe for animals too.

ECTOL MicroMax is a source of NPK but importantly contains all the essential micronutrients. Of note, if the crop and the soil is nitrogen deficient, NitrotainTE27 will not provide the immediate nitrogen source required to finish the crop.

However, both NitrotainTE27 and ECTOL MicroMax can be blended with UAN, to significantly improve the efficacy of the UAN. This occurs by carrying the nitrogen into the plant, as well as supplying the essential micronutrients, which are otherwise not available in the UAN.

Of note, the absence of essential micronutrients may limit the potential yield of the crop and hinder healthy soil biology. As a general rule 5L/ha should be blended to the UAN. 

For more information visit ECTOL Plant and Crop Nutrients or phone 0456 022 974 to arrange a technical call.



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