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Need a New Fertiliser Supplier? ECTOL Are The Experts You Can Trust

Kate from ECTOL

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

We know that some farmers are struggling to access their regular fertilisers and are considering new suppliers.

If you’re thinking about changing your farming nutrition, it’s important to approach it with care and tailor new fertiliser to your needs. That’s where ECTOL can help.

Our products are backed by 20 years of research and trials and our experts work directly with farmers to develop nutritional protocols that are proven to work. See some recent testimonials here.

Created by farmers, for farmers, our methods optimise profitable production, whilst contributing to better soil, plant, animal, consumer and farmer health.

So, if you’re looking for a new fertiliser supplier, or know a farmer struggling to access their regular products, we can help to make the transition to a new brand, a successful one.

Speak directly with an ECTOL representative today.



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